Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A Bit about Christmas

And so… another year draws to an end and another Christmas is upon us.  Some of you will have been saving up for it for a long time, others not; some will have started buying your presents in January and be all smug, others will wait until Christmas Eve and will run around like headless chickens. The build-up is always long and drawn out though, with that darn Christmas music playing in the shops, and Christmas shops sprouting up around towns and cities seemingly overnight like angry pimples selling cheap wrapping paper and cards and highly inflammable tinsel and razor sharp baubles.

You might think that I am one of those people who hates Christmas then? A Scrooge of a man, maybe. Well, no not really. I like Christmas, mostly. If anything it is a bit of a whirl wind when it does arrive after such a build-up. My day: I get up, go pick the kids up and bring them to the house where they find out what Father Christmas has brought for them… my mum and dad come round, then it is a case of hurrying to my sister and her family’s for a whistle-stop visit, the returning the kids to their mother’s, then off to Christmas dinner, back to see the kids and feet up and some Dr Who. Phew. But I guess this is the case for most people. But it is a time for family and friends, yet in our quest to see as many friends and family we stress ourselves out.

But what would I want for Christmas, if I could have anything? What would my Christmas Wish be? To be happy, I guess, to have fun, to enjoy myself. But if someone were to say to me, Hey Borg, I am a Wishmaster! Actually, there is a horror film by that name, isn’t there and you can’t really trust someone who suddenly claims to be a wishmaster, no matter how genuine he, or she, might appear… Erm.. Okay, say someone said, Hey Borg, I can grant you wish for Christmas, within reason, okay? There is a recession, even givers of wishes have to count the pennies… so what would you like? I would say, a new car… not a fancy one, just a new one, as I have to travel 30-40 odd miles round trip to work everyday and this might be the current car’s last winter of travelling that distance each day. A Ford Focus would be just fine, cheers, not interested in a Merc or anything… a nice new Ford, cheers Wishmast… er wish dude…

And if I don’t see you or chat again before the big day… Happy Christmas!

A look at a Ford Focus on Dooyoo... I'll have one like this.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

A Bit about Students

I will begin this first blog of November by saying that I have never been one of those people who complains about students. We were all students once, weren’t we! However something occurred recently that has forced me to get something off my chest.

Near to the office where I work there is a sixth form college. If I leave work at the wrong time and head to my car, then all streams of student are piling down the road towards me, having finished a hard day studying. They spew forth, a never-ending flow of seventeen and eighteen year olds. Do they move out of the way as you are walking towards them? Hell no. But this is not the cause of my gripe, even though that can be quite annoying.

I am not sure, but I have the idea that they think they are indestructible. If I get into work early I can park on the street near the college. But when I get into the car and set off, if the kids are out of college, they seem to congregate in the middle of roads, obviously unaware that a car might well ram straight into them. They are like zombies, brainless and wandering, gathering in groups. The driver, or me, is looked upon as a nuisance when trying to pass them as they stay in the road.

What a strange creature the student is then. Correct me if I am wrong, but those staying on to gain A-Levels and such at sixth form should be deemed as being intelligent, wouldn’t you think? But standing in the middle of the road when there is the distinct possibility of being mowed down by a car is far from clever.

This is not all students I hasten to add, but it doesn’t bode well for the future of mankind… does it!