Monday, 20 August 2012

A Bit About Tedium...

Sometimes things can get a bit tedious, can’t they… You go to work five days a week from 9 – 5, entering a cocoon of relentless monotony… the boss giving you jip because targets haven’t been met, getting frowned upon for leaving work because you have a life, dammit… The mask you wear at work sometimes cracks and shows the frustration you feel inside, the shear lack of interest in each chore you undertake, having to agree to changes at work which you know are just ridiculous. These are just a few examples of tedium one can feel in their work place… it does not necessary relate to my own job, but wouldn’t it be fun to do something crazy once in a while. Get up from your desk and sing a Christmas carol in May, walk into the office on your hands or wear a pink wig. Hey, why not do all three. Something… anything to stop the tedium growth which is spreading through your very being like wild fire. A growth which is threatening to take over you completely and you become just another zombiefied creature who sits at their desk… who has forgotten how to smile and wears their mask well, while inside they want to pick up their computer and throw it out the window and shout, ‘I am me! I am a person. I have feelings!’

Still… you’ve got to laugh, aint ya…

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