Today, I wish to talk about swearing. You might think swearing is good, you might think it is bad, or maybe you don’t give a shit… (sorry, that was just too predictable wasn’t it), what I mean is, perhaps you are kind of in the middle and think swearing is fine when required and not so fine when it is not.
I am not a prude by any means, and I can swear as well as the next man, but I think there is a time and place for swearing. Used for comic effect, a good old swear word is perfectly acceptable (no shit!). To relieve a moment of stress a swear word is good too (Oh cock it!), or when you are annoyed (Piss!) or if you can’t be bothered with something, or someone (Fu@k it/’em!). I have censored that bit in case my children read this one day…
So to recap, swearing is okay in both moderation and at the right time. What I can’t abide is when a person’s every other word is the ‘F’ word. This just shows a severe lack of intelligence to me. A person who cannot find the right word, because his, or her, vocabulary won’t allow this, due to the fact that said vocabulary is limited. ‘Can I have an effing can of effing coke, Mr effing newsagent bloke, ta, effing great to obtain such an effing purchase from you!’
Swearing in front of a child is not good at all. I hardly swear in front of mine, and it really irks me when I overhear some idiot swearing when they are with their children. A mild ‘bloody’ is okay, but not that ‘F’ word, or the T and C words… A bit of ‘arse’ is okay, or a little ‘crap.’ But the serious words are said so casually aren’t they. Come one, what are they going to grow up like, idiot? Yes, they are going to swear, are you proud of that fact? And when they swear within earshot of my children, well I just want to grab hold of them beat the crap out of them.
I don’t obviously do that – if I want to teach my kids that swearing isn’t cool (dude) I certainly don’t want to show them that violence solves stuff. No, at best I will give them a dirty look. To hear a child swear is quite sad too. It is a bit like hearing an angel fart, so out of place and just… wrong. No one should ever have to hear an angel fart or a child swear. But I guess they think it’s big, it makes them look all hard and mean – the kids not the angels that is…!
A bit of arse is ok? We've spoken about this! First it was motorway drivers...
ReplyDeleteThink I'd f-ing better give up f-ing swearing tho!