Friday, 24 June 2011

A bit about the Walk into Work

Does anyone like their walk into work? I was thinking that today as I, well, walked into work. I decided that the walk into work can have a bearing on how you will be when you get to work itself, be that arriving on the ward, at the office, on the scaffold… whatever.

Work is a means to an end, and you work to live, not live to work, but each day at work for most of us requires a walk into work. Work is a chore we have to do, so the said walk into work should be as stress-free and incident-free as possible.

Five nice things to see on the way into work:

1. A pretty lady.
2. A nice warm sun in a cloudless sky.
3. A pretty lady who smiles at you.
4. A squirrel on a rooftop.
5. A squirrel who smiles at you.

These can obviously be changed into a man, all depending on which way you are inclined. Perhaps you don’t like squirrels? You can change that too. But such sights could make you feel uplifted and once you get to your place of work they can still be with you. In some cases your colleagues might think, Hey, Borg is in a good mood! Look at that gleam on his little face! Hey, I feel happy just looking at that happy fellow’s (chiselled and handsome) features…

Five things you DON’T want to see on the way into work.

1. A naked fat bloke (and again you can choose woman instead here) riding past on a bike.
2. A splash of dark orange sick on the pavement, which obviously arrived there the night before from the insides of someone who had too much to drink and decided to eat a pizza as well (there is an empty pizza box nearby).
3. A Doberman… on its own…
4. Grey sky, drizzle, chill…
5. A weirdo who you think is following you and wants to mug you. How do you know he is a weirdo? Because he is giggling to himself and keeps repeating the word ‘Butchery’ all the time.

How are you going to look when you arrive at work having seen any of those sights? Not very happy, and your colleagues will notice that too. Hey, Borg is a right sour puss today. Look at that glumness on his (chiselled and handsome) features!

So, when your colleague arrive at the office one day, just bear in mind that he or she might have had to walk past sick, devils dogs, madmen, drizzle, or naked fat people on bikes…

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